Vertical Blinds: Style and Convenience for Home and Office

0% Installment Plan, Free Home Visits and Measurements

Home visit by an experienced textile decorator with over 10 years of experience, bringing catalogs directly to you at your convenience

Designer's visit
Motiva offers over 300 fabrics and profile colors
to home or office with fabric and curtain rod samples.
making blinds to suit your size and any budget
WHAT ARE vertical blinds?
Vertical blinds are one of the most popular choices for solar shading solutions. They can often be seen in offices, business centers, as well as in medical and educational institutions, due to their functionality and affordable price.
By rotating the slats 180 degrees, you can not only protect the room from sunlight and uninvited glances, but also create pleasant diffused natural light

Unlike curtains, vertical blinds have the ability to not only move to the sides, move to the side, but also move to the center

Vertical blinds are easy to clean and maintain thanks to the smooth surfaces of the material and simple design.

They are ideal for use in both home and office settings, providing the opportunity to create an elegant and functional design in any room.

Vertical blinds can be controlled either manually or using automated control systems, providing ease of use.
This product is available in a version with an electric motor and a remote control.
Installation in an opening, on a wall or ceiling.
The slats are highly wear-resistant and do not fade in the bright sun
Vertical Blinds for Home
Our vertical blinds are not only a stylish addition to your home interior, but also a practical solution for rooms with high humidity or possible pollution. They effectively protect from the sun and unwanted glances, while being easy to clean and keep clean.
Vertical Blinds for Offices, Schools and Hospitals
In offices, schools and hospitals, our vertical blinds are an integral part of the interior, thanks to their practicality and ease of use. They easily adjust lighting levels and provide the necessary privacy, making them an ideal choice for commercial and public spaces.
Vertical Blinds for Irregular Shaped Windows
Vertical blinds, like BALI curtains, are an ideal solution for windows of non-standard shape. They easily adapt to any window geometry, providing not only an elegant appearance, but also functional protection from the sun and prying eyes.
material + manufacturing + installation
Vertical blinds:
Size: 1800 х 1400mm
Textile: Berlin Blance

Slat width: 127mm
material + manufacturing + installation
Vertical blinds:
Size: 2300 х 2000mm 3pcs
Textile: Patagonia FR Light Gray

Slat width: 89mm
material + manufacturing + installation
Vertical blinds:
Size: 1500 х 1300mm
Textile: Line N Grey

Slat width: 127mm
material + manufacturing + installation
Vertical blinds:
Size: 2500 х 1800mm
Textile: Line N White

Slat width: 127mm
material + manufacturing + installation
Vertical blinds:
Size: 2000 х 2500mm
Textile: Miami Tan

Slat width: 127mm
CALCULATE THE COST OF vertical blinds
CALCULATE THE COST OF vertical blinds
MORE THAN 10,000 clients have already trusted us and were satisfied
Suhtlemine Motivaga oli väga meeldiv kogemus. Tellisin endale kassettrulood ja kardinasiinid. Müügikonsultant tuli koju, võttis mõõdud ja koos valisime kanga (tal oli kaasas suur valik näidiseid). Seejärel 3 nädalat ootamist ja valmis saigi. Vahepealne suhtlemine käis meilide teel ja alati vastati väga kiiresti ja isegi väljaspool ametlikku tööaega. Minule jäi Motivast mulje kui väga professionaalsest ja kliendile orienteeritud firmast.

Review from Google
Päringule reageeriti kiirelt ja meie kodus kohapeal käis nõu andmas Jekaterina, kelle abiga valisime välja sobivad lahendused. Tarneaja osas on natuke ootamist kuid kuid tellimus täideti varem, mis oli väga positiivseks üllatuseks. Paigaldus käis kiirelt ja professionaalselt! Jäime väga rahule nii toodete kui teenindusega ja plaan on mõne aja pärast veel juurde osta täiendavad kardinad.

Review from Google
Очень довольна выполненной работой! Дизайнер приехала к нам домой, сняла все размеры и привезла с собой полный чемодан тканей на выбор (заранее обговорили ТЗ). Помогла подобрать цвет и фактуру ткани, вместе выбрали крепления и карниз. Техник по установке оперативно всё установил. Спасибо за проделанную работу!

Review from Google
Хорошее обслуживание. В салоне работают профессионалы своего дела, смогли много чего посоветовать. Заказывала шторы. Летом эта услуга актуальна, поэтому пришлось подождать дольше обычного(около 2 месяцев, в салоне об этом предупредили сразу), но оно того стоило. Цены приемлемые, мастер установил всё очень быстро и качественно, шторы выглядят прекрасно. Буду обязательно заказывать ещё через Мотива. Спасибо!

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