energy efficient solutions for windows

Find out how our curtains and blinds can save you money and improve the comfort of your home.

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Why choose us:

Huge selection
Motiva offers over 5000+ fabrics and materials
Measurement, manufacturing, tailoring, and installation
Motiva designer
Custom manufacturing at our own facility in Tallinn
sewing machine

What is energy efficiency and why is it needed?

Energy efficiency is the use of less energy to perform the same task or achieve the same level of comfort. This helps reduce energy costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve natural resources.

Saving money
Energy-efficient solutions can significantly reduce energy bills, which in the long run leads to significant savings in the family budget.
Increased comfort
Window solutions such as curtains and blinds help maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, preventing overheating in the summer and keeping you warm in the winter.
Environmental protection
Reducing energy consumption reduces emissions of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances into the atmosphere, which helps combat climate change and improve the environmental situation.
Property value
Homes with energy-efficient solutions are more attractive to buyers and may have a higher market value, making it a worthwhile investment.

Energy efficiency in numbers:

Windows in a house are responsible for up to 50% of heat loss or gain.
(Source: U.S. Department of Energy)
The right curtains or blinds can reduce heating and cooling energy consumption by up to 25%.
(Source: Efficient Window Coverings Collaborative)
Using energy efficient fabrics and materials in window solutions can reduce energy costs by up to 30%. (Source:
Installing exterior shading devices, such as façade rollers, can reduce heat gain into a home by 33% during the summer.
(Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Advantages of Interior curtains and blinds

Pleated blinds

Reducing heat loss: Cosiflor Sona BO pleated blinds with a unique honeycomb structure retain heat in the room in winter and prevent overheating in summer. Studies have shown that they reduce heat loss through windows by up to 47%.

Energy Savings: Less heat loss results in lower heating and air conditioning bills. Thanks to this, pleated fabrics help make your home more environmentally friendly.

Versatility: Pleats are available in a variety of colors and patterns, allowing you to choose the perfect option for any interior. They are also suitable for standard and custom windows.
pleated blinds on a window

Horizontal blinds

High reflectivity: Light-colored blinds effectively reflect the sun's rays, reducing heat gain in summer by up to 45%. They direct light back outside, preventing it from turning into heat indoors.

Light Control and Privacy: Blinds allow you to control the amount of light entering your home and provide privacy indoors. Horizontal blinds can be adjusted to reflect light onto the ceiling, softly diffusing it throughout the room without excessive heat or glare.

Energy-efficient materials: Wood and aluminum blinds are good insulators, helping to retain heat indoors in the winter and blocking solar heat in the summer.
horizontal blinds in the living room
blackout textile curtains in the bedroom
roller blinds with blackout fabric

Textile curtains

Fabric: Curtains made from heavy fabrics such as velvet, suede, wool and tapestry are excellent insulators. They have a dense structure, reducing the penetration of cold or heat. Curtains with special lining reflect heat inward in winter and repel the sun's rays in summer. This can reduce heat loss in winter by 10% and repel up to 33% of heat in summer.

Color: Dark curtains retain heat better, which is ideal for cold climates. Light-colored curtains reflect sunlight, helping to keep you cool during the hot season.

Full Coverage: For maximum energy efficiency, curtains should completely cover the window from ceiling to floor, creating an insulating barrier and preventing air leakage.

Roller blinds

Thermal insulation: Roller blinds made from thick fabrics can improve the thermal insulation of windows, reducing heat loss by up to 25%. They effectively block sunlight, reducing heat gain in summer.

Light control: Roller blinds offer convenient light control, providing complete blackout or partial light transmission.

Easy to Maintain: Roller blinds are easy to clean and require minimal maintenance, making them a practical choice for any home.

Energy Efficient Fabrics and Materials

Pearl 312
Delta BO C
Dark Grey 318
Delta BO C
Lily Green 314
Delta BO C
Mud 320
Delta BO C
Chocolate 310
Delta BO C
White 301
Delta BO C
Soft Grey
Berlin BO
Berlin BO
Snow white
Berlin BO
Pleated blinds
Roller blinds
Tiger Eye 5014
Cloud 5087
Charcoal 5089
Horizontal blinds
Englisch Dekor
Englisch Dekor
Englisch Dekor
Englisch Dekor
Englisch Dekor
Englisch Dekor

Benefits of Exterior Window Solutions

External roller blinds

External roller blinds, safety blinds and awnings provide:

Effective solar and heat protection: Exterior window solutions help reduce solar heat gain indoors, reducing the load on air conditioning systems and creating a more comfortable indoor environment, leading to energy savings and lower heating and cooling bills.

Weather protection: Façade rollers, security shutters and awnings provide protection from rain, snow and wind to windows, extending their service life and reducing the need for repairs.

Privacy and Security: They provide an extra level of privacy, protecting your interior from prying eyes and keeping your home safe.

MORE THAN 10,000 clients have already trusted us and were satisfied

Suhtlemine Motivaga oli väga meeldiv kogemus. Tellisin endale kassettrulood ja kardinasiinid. Müügikonsultant tuli koju, võttis mõõdud ja koos valisime kanga (tal oli kaasas suur valik näidiseid). Seejärel 3 nädalat ootamist ja valmis saigi. Vahepealne suhtlemine käis meilide teel ja alati vastati väga kiiresti ja isegi väljaspool ametlikku tööaega. Minule jäi Motivast mulje kui väga professionaalsest ja kliendile orienteeritud firmast.

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Päringule reageeriti kiirelt ja meie kodus kohapeal käis nõu andmas Jekaterina, kelle abiga valisime välja sobivad lahendused. Tarneaja osas on natuke ootamist kuid kuid tellimus täideti varem, mis oli väga positiivseks üllatuseks. Paigaldus käis kiirelt ja professionaalselt! Jäime väga rahule nii toodete kui teenindusega ja plaan on mõne aja pärast veel juurde osta täiendavad kardinad.

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Очень довольна выполненной работой! Дизайнер приехала к нам домой, сняла все размеры и привезла с собой полный чемодан тканей на выбор (заранее обговорили ТЗ). Помогла подобрать цвет и фактуру ткани, вместе выбрали крепления и карниз. Техник по установке оперативно всё установил. Спасибо за проделанную работу!

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Хорошее обслуживание. В салоне работают профессионалы своего дела, смогли много чего посоветовать. Заказывала шторы. Летом эта услуга актуальна, поэтому пришлось подождать дольше обычного(около 2 месяцев, в салоне об этом предупредили сразу), но оно того стоило. Цены приемлемые, мастер установил всё очень быстро и качественно, шторы выглядят прекрасно. Буду обязательно заказывать ещё через Мотива. Спасибо!

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