How to measure your windows? Measuring Instructions

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The instructions below are intended to take approximate dimensions, based on which a price offer will be made!


Measure the width and height of the glass from the elastic to the elastic of the glass unit

For a price quote, please take approximate dimensions of the product as indicated in these instructions.
This manual is suitable for the following products:

Cassette roller blinds
Pleated blinds
Horizontal blinds
Products installed on the window frame


Measure the width and height of the window opening

For a price quote, please take approximate dimensions of the product as indicated in these instructions.
This manual is suitable for the following products:

Classic roller blinds
Horizontal blinds
Vertical blinds
Products installed in the window opening


Measure the width and height of the desired dimensions of the product

For a price quote, please take approximate dimensions of the product as indicated in these instructions.
This manual is suitable for the following products:

Classic roller blinds
Horizontal blinds
Vertical fabric blinds
Panel curtains
Wall/ceiling mounted products


Open the window and measure the width and height of the window light opening from the edge of the frame to the edge of the frame
For a price quote, please take approximate dimensions of the product as indicated in these instructions.
This manual is suitable for the following products:

Mosquito net
Products installed in the light opening of a window


We offer our clients a product measurement service. By ordering this service from us, you can be sure that the products are measured correctly and you will not have to be responsible for the measurements taken in case of an error.
service cost - 25€

MORE THAN 10,000 clients have already trusted us and were satisfied

Suhtlemine Motivaga oli väga meeldiv kogemus. Tellisin endale kassettrulood ja kardinasiinid. Müügikonsultant tuli koju, võttis mõõdud ja koos valisime kanga (tal oli kaasas suur valik näidiseid). Seejärel 3 nädalat ootamist ja valmis saigi. Vahepealne suhtlemine käis meilide teel ja alati vastati väga kiiresti ja isegi väljaspool ametlikku tööaega. Minule jäi Motivast mulje kui väga professionaalsest ja kliendile orienteeritud firmast.

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Päringule reageeriti kiirelt ja meie kodus kohapeal käis nõu andmas Jekaterina, kelle abiga valisime välja sobivad lahendused. Tarneaja osas on natuke ootamist kuid kuid tellimus täideti varem, mis oli väga positiivseks üllatuseks. Paigaldus käis kiirelt ja professionaalselt! Jäime väga rahule nii toodete kui teenindusega ja plaan on mõne aja pärast veel juurde osta täiendavad kardinad.

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Очень довольна выполненной работой! Дизайнер приехала к нам домой, сняла все размеры и привезла с собой полный чемодан тканей на выбор (заранее обговорили ТЗ). Помогла подобрать цвет и фактуру ткани, вместе выбрали крепления и карниз. Техник по установке оперативно всё установил. Спасибо за проделанную работу!

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Хорошее обслуживание. В салоне работают профессионалы своего дела, смогли много чего посоветовать. Заказывала шторы. Летом эта услуга актуальна, поэтому пришлось подождать дольше обычного(около 2 месяцев, в салоне об этом предупредили сразу), но оно того стоило. Цены приемлемые, мастер установил всё очень быстро и качественно, шторы выглядят прекрасно. Буду обязательно заказывать ещё через Мотива. Спасибо!

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