Textile decorator with over 10 years of experience, will bring catalogs directly to your home at a time convenient for you.
Why you should consider choosing designer consultation
Huge selection
Motiva offers over 5000+ fabrics and materials.
Personal approach
We offer individual consultation, taking into account your preferences and needs.
Free and convenient
Get a consultation at home, absolutely free and at a time convenient for you
Get a personal consultation with a designer for your home
Our team will help you fit into any budget, thanks to a large selection of fabrics from different manufacturers

The designer will perform all the necessary measurements, and will also take full responsibility for their accuracy.

Specialists with more than 10 years of experience will provide advice and recommendations
Our designers, with extensive experience, provide a service to visit your home with samples of materials. They will be happy to take all the necessary measurements with a guarantee of accuracy and share with you inspiring ideas for your interior.

And the most interesting thing is that only now this service is available to you for free!
We arrive at the site at a pre-agreed time or invite you to our showroom.
At the meeting on our part there is a textile decorator who is responsible for the design and measurements of your premises.
The decorator, after a preliminary call, prepares samples and comes to the meeting with them - blackout and sheer fabrics, fabrics for roller blinds and pleated fabrics, materials for blinds, palettes and much more.
On-site, the designer will find out from you the scenarios for using textiles: how often windows are opened, where the furniture is located, etc., the features of the room (type of ceiling, where communications are, etc.), identifies preferences in colors and textures.
How does the meeting with the designer go?
Meet our
Motiva experts
Meet part of our team:

Each of them has a unique experience and style in interior design. They will help you create a cozy and stylish space that reflects your personality.
With over 15 years of experience, is our leading specialist who specializes in textile decoration, as well as external blinds and automation. His professionalism and experience allow him to solve even the most complex problems and offer you the best technical solutions for your interior.
Designer with over 10 years of experience is the creative inspirer of our team. With over 10 years of experience, she understands perfectly how to create a cozy and stylish interior that reflects the individuality of each client. Her unique eye for design and attention to detail will help you transform your home into a space that reflects your taste and lifestyle.
Is a talented member of our team. With over 5 years of experience, she brings a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to every project. Her creative approach to design helps create unique interiors that combine style, comfort and functionality.
Meet our
Motiva experts
Meet part of our team:

Each of them has a unique experience and style in interior design. They will help you create a cozy and stylish space that reflects your personality.
Is a talented member of our team. With over 5 years of experience, she brings a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to every project. Her creative approach to design helps create unique interiors that combine style, comfort and functionality.
With over 15 years of experience, is our leading specialist who specializes in textile decoration, as well as external blinds and automation. His professionalism and experience allow him to solve even the most complex problems and offer you the best technical solutions for your interior.
Designer with over 10 years of experience is the creative inspirer of our team. With over 10 years of experience, she understands perfectly how to create a cozy and stylish interior that reflects the individuality of each client. Her unique eye for design and attention to detail will help you transform your home into a space that reflects your taste and lifestyle.
6 Reasons to Schedule a Designer Consultation
Review the materials and make decisions in the comfort of your home at a time suitable for the entire family.
Time Savings
Are you very busy? Motiva designer will come to you and save your time.
All necessary measurements are carried out by Motiva specialists, who take responsibility for the accuracy of the measurements.
We understand how challenging it can be to handle tasks with little ones in your arms, so we are ready to come to you ourselves.
Calculation within 24 hours
Motiva specialists will take all measurements, after which a cost calculation will be made within 24 hours, and you will receive a price proposal.
Our consultants work throughout Estonia.
By answering 5 questions
Find out which window treatment solution suits you the best
In which room do you need curtains?
You can choose multiple options
By answering 5 questions
Find out which window treatment solution suits you the best

You can choose multiple options
By answering 5 questions
Find out which window treatment solution suits you the best
You can choose multiple options
By answering 5 questions
Find out which window treatment solution suits you the best
You can choose multiple options
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By answering 5 questions
Find out which window treatment solution suits you the best
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Ensure the quality by checking out our completed projects
material + production + installation
Curtains and sheers:
Size: 5730 х 2700mm
Fabric: Dateks Matra
Fabric: Dateks 30170
material + production + installation
Decorative curtain:
Size: 2675 х 2400mm
Fabric: Dekoma Puro
Curtain track: 2675mm
material + production + installation
Semi-darkening roller blinds:
Size: 900 х 1400mm 2pc
Fabric: Berlin Snow White
Profile color: White
material + production + installation
"Zebra" roller blinds:
Size: 500 х 1200mm 2pc
Fabric: Secret White
Profile color: White
material + production + installation
Size: 1400 х 1100mm
Color: 25_0538
Lamell size: 25mm
material + production + installation
Size: 3000 х 2800mm
Fabric: Bali 18
MORE THAN 10,000 clients have already trusted us and were satisfied
Suur tänu Motiva Aknakatted meeskonnale hea töö kvaliteedi ja kiire teeninduse eest! Eriliselt sooviks tänada disainerit O. Bugaitšuki, kellega oli algusest peale sujuv koostöö!

Review from Google
Sooviksin öelda teile ja Motivale suur-suur aitäh hea koostöö eest. Kardinad on nüüdseks paigaldatud ja ausalt, need on imekaunid ja veel kaunimad kui ette kujutasin. Tõesti, väga hästi sobivad interjööri ja loovad täpselt sellise üldmulje nagu ma soovisin. Ka pisipreili on oma kardinate üle (peamiselt seetõttu, et need said roosad) ülirõõmus ja jagab seda rõõmu kõigile, kes kuulavad :) Kõik kardinad sobivad ka omavahel imehästi ja olen tõesti väga-väga rahul. Kogu protsess algusest lõpuni oli väga sujuv. Mulle väga meeldis disaineri kasutamise võimalus koos kohale tulemise teenusega. Teie nõuanded ja soovitused olid väga asjakohased ja kaasamõtlevad. Tellimus püsis täpselt lubatud tarneajas ja ka paigaldaja tegi oma töö väga kenasti ära.

Veelkord suur-suur aitäh nii teile kui Motivale! Ja kindlasti soovitan teie ettevõtet ka teistele. Minu oli see teine kogemus teie ettevõttega ja olen jätkuvalt klient :)

Review from Google
Очень довольна выполненной работой! Дизайнер приехала к нам домой, сняла все размеры и привезла с собой полный чемодан тканей на выбор (заранее обговорили ТЗ). Помогла подобрать цвет и фактуру ткани, вместе выбрали крепления и карниз. Техник по установке оперативно всё установил. Спасибо за проделанную работу!

Review from Google
Хороший выбор тканей, возможность разных решений, соотношение цены и качества, выполнение работы раньше установленных сроков, приятное обслуживание. Особенно хотим отметить дизайнера-консультанта Диану Фомину.

Review from Google
Protect your home from insects and dust with MOSQUITO NETTING
We offer 4 types of mosquito nets for all kinds of windows or doors
Pay in 6 equal installments over 6 months!
Having paid the full amount on time within six months, the installment agreement is considered successfully paid and completed.
The monthly payment is formed by dividing the total cost of the order into six parts.
The minimum order value when using ESTO 6 is 120 euros.
All citizens of the Republic of Estonia aged 18-70 are eligible to apply for the ESTO 6 payment method.
Don't postpone until tomorrow
Follow our news on Instagram!
Since 2003, we have been decorating
windows with curtains all over Estonia.

© Motiva Aknakatted 2024
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