Safety and Style - Protective external Blinds

0% Installment Plan, Free Home Visits and Measurements

Home visit by an experienced textile decorator with over 10 years of experience, bringing catalogs directly to you at your convenience

Designer's visit
Why you should consider choosing us:
Own Production
We manufacture light-protective structures of any shape and size
Designer Home Visit
to home or office with fabric and curtain rod samples.
external blinds
Experience of over 20 years
Motiva designer
Manufacturing blinds, rollers, and curtains is the main specialization of our company
external roller blinds drawing

What are the advantages of Outdoor external blinds?

Transform your home with outdoor roller blinds!

Can deter potential thieves. This allows us to feel safe in our own homes.

Blinds significantly reduce heat loss through windows and doors in the winter months.

Protective blinds effectively shield rooms from overheating in the summer.

They efficiently protect window frames from external factors such as wind, rain, or direct sunlight.

Contribute to reducing heating costs in winter and air conditioning costs in summer.

Thanks to the use of smart controls, they can be operated from anywhere and at any time.
They provide effective protection from passersby
Protective external blinds help reduce outside noise

Simple installation, maximum effect!

– external blinds

SK system-based blinds are designed for use in already constructed buildings. The advantage of these products is that they do not require special preparation and work with the existing structure, as they are not integrated with the window. Thus, you can decide to install protective outdoor blinds at any time.

We will select material for anyone

More than 40 colors and textures are available

04-Dark beige
Made to order
06-Wood dark
Made to order
Made to order
23-Anhracite grey
Made to order
Made to order
Made to order
37-Grey aluminium
Made to order
43-Pearl grey
Made to order
33-Basalt grey

Protect your home with the help of external roller blinds

This solution, at first glance, does not differ from standard blinds. However, it uses additional reinforced brackets and a system of locks. They make it difficult to raise the blind fabric when attempting to open them manually.
The reinforced Octoeasy brackets make it challenging to detach the blinds
The specially designed locking system makes it difficult to raise the blinds when attempting to open them manually.

An energy-efficient solution for your home

woman using a remote to close external blinds

– Outdoor roller blinds

Superior efficiency and savings on electricity bills. Innovative external blinds made of high-quality aluminum sheet filled with polyurethane foam provide protection and comfort in your home.

The stability and strength of the material ensure effective protection against overheating in summer and prevent heat loss in winter, significantly reducing heating and air conditioning costs. Switch to energy efficiency and reduce your electricity bills with our external blinds!

EXAMPLES OF USING external blinds

External Blinds:
Color: Black
External Blinds:
Color: Ecru
External Blinds:
Color: Natural White
External Blinds:
Color: Black
External Blinds:
Color: Brown

MORE THAN 10,000 clients have already trusted us and were satisfied

Suhtlemine Motivaga oli väga meeldiv kogemus. Tellisin endale kassettrulood ja kardinasiinid. Müügikonsultant tuli koju, võttis mõõdud ja koos valisime kanga (tal oli kaasas suur valik näidiseid). Seejärel 3 nädalat ootamist ja valmis saigi. Vahepealne suhtlemine käis meilide teel ja alati vastati väga kiiresti ja isegi väljaspool ametlikku tööaega. Minule jäi Motivast mulje kui väga professionaalsest ja kliendile orienteeritud firmast.

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Päringule reageeriti kiirelt ja meie kodus kohapeal käis nõu andmas Jekaterina, kelle abiga valisime välja sobivad lahendused. Tarneaja osas on natuke ootamist kuid kuid tellimus täideti varem, mis oli väga positiivseks üllatuseks. Paigaldus käis kiirelt ja professionaalselt! Jäime väga rahule nii toodete kui teenindusega ja plaan on mõne aja pärast veel juurde osta täiendavad kardinad.

Review from Google
Очень довольна выполненной работой! Дизайнер приехала к нам домой, сняла все размеры и привезла с собой полный чемодан тканей на выбор (заранее обговорили ТЗ). Помогла подобрать цвет и фактуру ткани, вместе выбрали крепления и карниз. Техник по установке оперативно всё установил. Спасибо за проделанную работу!

Review from Google
Хорошее обслуживание. В салоне работают профессионалы своего дела, смогли много чего посоветовать. Заказывала шторы. Летом эта услуга актуальна, поэтому пришлось подождать дольше обычного(около 2 месяцев, в салоне об этом предупредили сразу), но оно того стоило. Цены приемлемые, мастер установил всё очень быстро и качественно, шторы выглядят прекрасно. Буду обязательно заказывать ещё через Мотива. Спасибо!

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