Curtains and blinds: the perfect decoration for your windows!

0% Installment Plan, Free Home Visits and Measurements

Home visit by an experienced textile decorator with over 10 years of experience, bringing catalogs directly to you at your convenience

Designer's visit

Why choose us:

Huge selection
Motiva offers over 5000+ fabrics and materials
fabric selection
Measurement, manufacturing, tailoring, and installation
Motiva designer
Custom manufacturing at our own facility in Tallinn
sewing machine
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With Motiva, you can make the right choice!

– textile curtains
In the Motiva textile collection, there are 5000 options of textures and colors of fabrics that are suitable for decorating windows in the living room, bedroom, and children's room. Motiva textile curtains will be professionally tailored for you at our own production facility in Tallinn. Transparent fabrics (voile, mesh), blackout fabrics (blackout, dimout), natural fabrics (linen, cotton, silk, wool, velvet) - bring your design ideas to life!
Over 5000 fabric options

2000+ prints and patterns
stylish blackout curtains
– blinds and roller blinds
Motiva offers the widest range of fabrics and materials for pleated blinds, roller blinds, and blinds. Blackout and semi-blackout fabrics protect our clients from bright light and prying eyes. Pleated blinds for the kitchen, wooden blinds for the living room, blackout roller blinds for the bedroom - we will help you choose the option that suits you best.
Day-night blinds with stripes
– Bali Hybrid curtains
Bali curtains allow you to maximize natural light while preserving privacy. They combine the aesthetics of curtains with the functionality of vertical blinds. They are perfect for both residential and office spaces. Motiva guarantees the best price on the market, allowing you to get shades at the most attractive price.
Best prices

Over 30 colors
Bali hybrid curtains
– Pleated blinds
Motiva pleated blinds effectively shade the room while allowing enough light to pass through. Your privacy will be ensured as the fabric is non-transparent. The fabric for pleated blinds is made of sun-resistant polyester that does not fade in the sun for 5 to 10 years. Semi-blackout pleated blinds are suitable for rooms where complete darkness is not required, such as the kitchen, dining room, living room, or office
Up to 100% blackout

Over 400 fabrics
elegant pleated blinds
– Curtain rods and tracks
At Motiva salons, you will find a wide selection of colors (gold, silver, stainless steel, black, etc.) of decorative curtain rods made of wood, metal, plastic. You can order high-quality Dutch Forest curtain tracks for any size and configuration.
200 models

23 colors
ceiling curtain track
– Automation
All Motiva curtains and blinds can be automated using electric drives and controls. Electric drives have various control options - wall button, RTS remote control, or through a Smart Home system. Motiva's range includes only well-known and reliable global brands such as Somfy and Torro.
50 motor models

10 types of control
Somfy motor for curtains
pleated blinds
rods and tracks

12 types of services from consultation to installation

Online consultation with a specialist
Write to us on the website and on social media, and we will respond within 3 minutes
The designer has over 7 years of experience
Measurement taken by our specialist
We will take full responsibility
Custom curtain
We offer any solutions tailored to your needs
We will do it professionally, quickly, and leave everything tidy
Reupholstering furniture with decorative fabrics
We will take it to the production, replace the fabric, and install it back
We will assemble correctly and steam curtains on site if necessary
We organize delivery across all of Estonia
Replacement of parts and repairs
We will replace broken mechanisms and torn chains
The specialist will connect and program the electric drives
We will resolve all issues that arise within 2 years - free of charge
We manufacture blinds and roller blinds at our own production facility in Estonia


Manufacturing and tailoring –

The presence of our own production in our company is a guarantee of the quality of the products we provide. We use only modern equipment operated by professionals in their field.
We are always ready to offer curtains, curtain rods, and sun protection systems made according to your individual project in the shortest possible time.
Custom made curtains

Manufacturing of blinds

Production of Bali curtains

Frequently Asked Questions

This service is free of charge!

Our blog about curtains, design, and news

    MORE THAN 10,000 clients have already trusted us and were satisfied

    Suhtlemine Motivaga oli väga meeldiv kogemus. Tellisin endale kassettrulood ja kardinasiinid. Müügikonsultant tuli koju, võttis mõõdud ja koos valisime kanga (tal oli kaasas suur valik näidiseid). Seejärel 3 nädalat ootamist ja valmis saigi. Vahepealne suhtlemine käis meilide teel ja alati vastati väga kiiresti ja isegi väljaspool ametlikku tööaega. Minule jäi Motivast mulje kui väga professionaalsest ja kliendile orienteeritud firmast.

    Review from Google
    Päringule reageeriti kiirelt ja meie kodus kohapeal käis nõu andmas Jekaterina, kelle abiga valisime välja sobivad lahendused. Tarneaja osas on natuke ootamist kuid kuid tellimus täideti varem, mis oli väga positiivseks üllatuseks. Paigaldus käis kiirelt ja professionaalselt! Jäime väga rahule nii toodete kui teenindusega ja plaan on mõne aja pärast veel juurde osta täiendavad kardinad.

    Review from Google
    Очень довольна выполненной работой! Дизайнер приехала к нам домой, сняла все размеры и привезла с собой полный чемодан тканей на выбор (заранее обговорили ТЗ). Помогла подобрать цвет и фактуру ткани, вместе выбрали крепления и карниз. Техник по установке оперативно всё установил. Спасибо за проделанную работу!

    Review from Google
    Хорошее обслуживание. В салоне работают профессионалы своего дела, смогли много чего посоветовать. Заказывала шторы. Летом эта услуга актуальна, поэтому пришлось подождать дольше обычного(около 2 месяцев, в салоне об этом предупредили сразу), но оно того стоило. Цены приемлемые, мастер установил всё очень быстро и качественно, шторы выглядят прекрасно. Буду обязательно заказывать ещё через Мотива. Спасибо!

    Review from Google